Varicose veins in men

Varicose veins are traditionally considered a "female" disease. However, this opinion is wrong, men also suffer from varicose veins. In addition, they boldly withstand manifestations and turn to the doctor quite late, when the disease is already in an advanced stage, and this is not surprising: men are not so worried about the visual consequences of varicose veins - spider veins, prominent veins - andnot many know that the disease can progress to the stage of trophic ulcers.

varicose veins in a man

Varicose veins start long before a twisted and dilated vein appears in the leg. This is a process that can progress and acquire a protracted (chronic) course. Venous blood, which must flow from the bottom up from the legs and carry metabolic products, gets stuck in the ducts. There are valves in the veins that prevent blood from flowing backwards. As the disease progresses, the valves in the veins stop closing completely, and part of the blood flows in the opposite direction. Due to excessive blood accumulation, the walls of the veins expand, becoming winding. Blood circulation is disrupted, swelling, pain occurs, and a feeling of heaviness is felt.

If you do not take measures for treatment, varicose veins can cause complications: thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the venous wall with expansion of blood clots), dermatitis, trophic ulcers - open wounds that do not heal with the risk of infection. In some cases, complications of the disease can lead to disability. Varicose veins are not only vein lesions in the legs, an equally serious problem for men is the expansion of the pelvic veins. In particular, it can contribute to the emergence of other problems, such as hemorrhoids.

What contributes to the development of varicose veins:

The main factors influencing the development of varicose veins are considered to be inactive lifestyle, inactive work, overweight. Irrational eating also plays an important role. For example, due to the intake of large amounts of meat dishes, spicy, starchy, low -fiber foods, chronic constipation can develop, which increases blood stasis in the pelvic veins and small legs. The influence of alcoholic beverages is very significant: drinking alcohol causes excessive relaxation of the walls of the veins. Veins with varicose veins are already stretched, and alcohol increases the negative effects and contributes to the development of the disease.

Signs of varicose veins:

  • vascular network or telangiectasis;
  • dilated, twisted or varicose veins;
  • discoloration of the skin, dryness, thinning.

More specific symptoms that indicate the development of varicose veins may be:

  • feeling full and heavy in the legs;
  • pain in calf muscles;
  • itching, burning, tingling, and even night cramps;
  • fatigue;
  • restless foot symptoms.

How to treat varicose veins

Treatment of varicose veins should be comprehensive: the doctor chooses a treatment plan. It is best to adjust your lifestyle. Benefits for vein health:

  • physiotherapy;
  • walk;
  • swim;
  • cross -country skiing;
  • cycling.

To help more active blood flow through the veins, massaging the back, thighs, legs, feet is useful. It should be light and vibrate the muscles (from the back to the legs), without affecting the dilated area of the vein itself. The duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes per day.

An important place in the treatment is given to special drugs that improve the tone of the veins - venotonic.

Venotonics are local and systemic

For example, local, or external, is a preparation containing three components, which, thanks to an innovative material delivery system, quickly penetrates the skin and helps fight the feeling of heaviness in the feet and swelling, it does not leave sticky taste and marks on clothing and skin. . .

As a rule, local drugs are recommended for use in conjunction with systemic venotonics (drugs taken orally, in tablet form). It works at any stage of varicose veins, acts as a cause of varicose veins from within and helps relieve pain and swelling in the legs. The drug is easy to use: just 1 tablet of 1000 mg per day.

Varicose veins are an extramarital disease. It must be treated as soon as possible, starting with the first signs of the disease. The approach involves lifestyle changes, wearing special compression socks (for men, there is a comfortable knee height) and the use of medications prescribed by a doctor.